Love Labradorite Necklace

$165.00 Price excludes tax.

Labradorite crystal gets its name from the town of Labrador, Canada, where the stone was discovered.  Labradorite’s flashy iridescence inspired many native legends.    Native Canadian tribal lore asserts that Labradorite contains the Northern Lights, known as the Aurora Borealis. In the myth, it is believed that the lights were “set free” by one of their ancestors who broke through the rocks with his spear. The lights that remained were set into stone, and thus Labradorite was born.


Labradorite is a popular decorative stone because its essence creates a dazzling optical phenomenon of a blue green  sheen that shimmers in the light.  Labradorite can be used to bring amazing changes to your life and holds a broad level of protection from negativity,



High quality smooth Labradorite rondelles (7mm) and Sterling Silver Spacer beads.  I love the Labradorite stone because of its iridescence, its blue green to deep blue sheen shimmers in the light.  The necklace is 18″ with a 3″ extender.


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